Saturday, May 28, 2011

We are starting to prepare for the new season of Grady XC, please talk to your friends on the team and make sure everyone knows what we are doing.  Offer someone a ride.  Encourage someone to join you on a run in your neighborhood on our off days.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday --  We will meet at Candler Park at 6:00pm - 7:30 pm, in front of the swimming pool.  We will be there for June and July.  August 1st we move to Piedmont Park and will meet Mon - Fri for the rest of the season (November 5th, State Meet).

I will be there RAIN OR SHINE.  Thunderstorms only last about 15 minutes and we will wait them out, or run in the rain if the lightning does not seem to be a threat.

Bring a water bottle.  Heat will not stop us.  On days with a high heat index we will stay in the shade, stop often, drink lots of water and still get in a workout.  You must adapt to the heat, and you can't do that by staying in air conditioning all day long.

I will hand out information sheets, calendars, and physical forms at practices.  Please schedule an appointment for a physical NOW!!!  You must have that done before you can participate in official practices August 1st.  Everyone must have 15 official practices before they may compete with the team. No physical/ no practice/no uniform/no competition.  A visit to a clinic with a nurse practitioner will be acceptable.

Summer practices are optional, but strongly encouraged.  If you are out of town, find time and a place to get in a workout.  If you are playing soccer, ultimate, or swimming you can count those as your daily workout, but we are setting a goal for team members to fit in some type of training every day during the summer.

We hope to see everyone Wednesday, June 1st at Candler Park.

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