Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poison Ivy Epidemic

I have heard that several members of the XC team have come in contact with poison ivy and are dealing with the consequences. Just one of the hazards of Cross Country!

A product called "Ivy-Dry" Super, which comes in a spray bottle, works wonderfully. It is a drying agent containing four active ingredients to control itching; zinc acetate, benzyl alcohol, camphor and menthol.  The mentol and camphor are also natural pain relievers, while the benzyl alcohol helps control the itching.

It burns a bit when you put it on and it causes the rash areas to ooze a bit, but it really does work. We bought ours at CVS, but I'm sure you can find it elsewhere. Ask the pharmacist if you can't find it.

Hoping everyone recovers quickly! Good Luck.

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