Thursday, August 2, 2012

Running in the Rain

Thanks to the 27 stalwart team members who braved the rough weather today.  We met in the park, then went into the gym when lightning got too close, then went outside again, only to go back in.  After lots of drills, core strengthening exercises, crab walking, hopping and such, we went back out in the rain and ran for about 20 minutes.  We were rewarded with a beautiful double rainbow over the meadow, and many puddles to splash through.  We got wet, but got stronger as individuals and as a team.  If we train in the rain, we will be able to race in any conditions.

Remember to stuff your shoes with newspaper overnight.  They will dry and won't smell.  If you forget, you will probably regret it every time you lace up.

Practice tomorrow at 6.  We may get a repeat of today's storms.  Come on out anyway.  Saturday at 8:00 am for a neighborhood run.  Should be fun.  The team is beginning to take shape as you get in shape.

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